AVNation Founder
George Tucker from World Stage,
Adrian Boyd of Vector Sketch,
and Joseph Gillio from Casio.
Record Date: 09/07/2012
The world of CEDIA has landed in Indianapolis. We’ll talk about Steve Greenblatt’s piece on the crossover between residential and commercial. AMX puts one more nail in the coffin of independent programmers. There are a number of stories coming from Sony; from Control4 being built in to their new 4K TV. Plus, is there room for an all Green AV company?
Running Time: 1:03:53
CEDIA: Residential and Commercial Overlap
AMX Releases Rapid Project Maker V. 1.2
Disney developing touch screen control?
Consumer devices make “touch screens” more comfortable
Sony with Control4 build in: Will we see more of these and how do these deals get done?
Sony intros 84 inch 3D LED TV – $32,000
Energy Squad offers only GreenAV products – can they survive?
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