Monday, May 13, 2024
YOU ARE AT:Underwriting


AVNation is the Audio Visual industry’s premier podcasting, blogging, and social media content provider. The purpose of AVNation is bringing high-quality content to the AV community. AVNation is “The Network for the Audio Visual Industry.”

With an audience of almost 35,000 readers, listeners, and viewers on a monthly basis, we are a trusted source of AV news and information; we are a resource for the audiovisual industry. We have a demonstrated level of professionalism with our broadcasts and insights with our guests and hosts. Our coverage of trade shows is unique in that we have real, working, AV professionals asking the questions the AV technician in the field would want to know.

AVNation has reached a point where some funding beyond what our founders can provide is necessary to maintain the quality and to continue event coverage. Not wanting to take away from the message with an abundance of advertising we have opted for the “PBS” model of underwriting. The PBS and NPR approaches are familiar to most of our U.S. audience. It is a model where we ask companies to support the efforts with a yearly donation.

What this means for our sponsors is the acknowledgment of underwriting at the beginning of shows on a rotational basis, placement on the underwriting page on the website, a space in the rotational underwriter ad space on site pages, as well as trade show coverage for those who exhibit. If you watch PBS or listen to NPR, that is the sort of underwriting we are implementing.

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We believe AVNation is a great independent voice and want to maintain that independence. With your help, we can. Below are our current underwriters. If you like what we do, please tell them you appreciate their support. If you would like to underwrite us, please request a copy of the media kit.




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The Bolt, El Segundo, Calif.

Samsung Powers Up The Bolt — Los Angeles Chargers’ New State-of-the-Art...

Samsung Electronics America is partnering with the Los Angeles Chargers to equip their new headquarters, The Bolt, with over 250 Samsung LED displays for player training, wellness, and media functions.


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