Who Teaches The Teachers?
After the whirlwind that was InfoComm 2023, it’s nice to just sit down with the main crew and do our normal business of discussing the latest stories for the higher education AV space. But how can it be ‘humdrum’ when we’re also joined by Britt Yenser, named AV Professional of The Year by Higher Ed AV Media? In addition to that royalty, we have Assistant Director of Multimedia Services for Drexel University Rob Rasberry, Director of AV Services for the University of Arkansas Ernie Bailey and Director of Client Services for Bates College Scott Tiner.
Sid Roth Ministries installed a 92-foot dvLED wall for virtual productions. Leaning into a “go big or go home” mindset, Messianic Visions worked with Neoti to build this enormous LED wall. What does a set of this scale look like for the higher education space? Discussing where campuses could utilize virtual production systems.
Established in 2021, July 16 is considered AI Appreciation Day. We’ve covered artificial intelligence, both in the literally “artificial” sense as well as actual machine learning solutions in the higher education space, and we continue that conversation with an article from our own Scott Tiner. Fears have circulated since the creation of AI systems that they will one day replace us, but now we’re seeing it’s more of enhancements. How will AI enhance higher education?
Q-SYS has launched an experience and training facility in the UK. The Q-SYS House offers customers an experience of their audio video and control platforms, showcasing solutions within different spaces. For integrators, it is a chance to interact with this technology and how it performs. Some would say we’re in the business of learning and teaching, so how do technology managers learn about and train with the systems they are installing?
- Scott Tiner – Bates College
- Rob Rasberry – Drexel University
- Ernie Bailey – University of Arkansas
- Britt Yenser – Moravian University
- AV Network – Sid Roth Ministries Installs Enormous Virtual Production
- rAVe Pubs – AI & The Higher Education Space
- AV Magazine – Q-SYS Introduces “Q-SYS House” in UK
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