The Association has elected a new president to its executive committee and announces many other leadership changes
NSCA, the leading not-for-profit association representing the commercial low-voltage electronic systems industry, has announced the election of a new president to its executive committee, as well as many other leadership changes and the addition of two new officers to its board of directors for 2020-2021.
Mike Boettcher, CEO-PA at New Era Technology and current NSCA vice president, assumed the role of NSCA board of directors president on July 1, 2020. “I have some big shoes to fill in terms of previous presidents who have done great things and pushed the envelope,” says Boettcher. “During my term, I plan to focus on continuity, diversity, and agility: We want to continue our programs and committees, help integrators diversify their portfolios and bring new people into the industry, and be nimble so we can adjust quickly to members’ changing needs – like NSCA has done this year to put together granular and big-picture data and information to provide to members about business survival.”
Boettcher replaces Josh Shanahan, president and CEO at Sport View Technologies, whose two-year term as president ended on June 30, 2020. Shanahan will serve as the executive committee’s immediate past president, replacing Kelly McCarthy of Genesis Integration.
Ray Bailey, president at Lone Star Communications and current board member, will become NSCA vice president; Tim Hennen, CTO at IVCi, will become NSCA secretary. Current board member Dan Schmidtendorff, president and CEO at Communication Company, will now serve as NSCA treasurer.
In addition, the following professionals joined the NSCA board of directors and began their three-year terms on July 1, 2020:
- Laurie MacKeigan, President, Backman Vidcom
- Kyle Habben, President, Electronic Contracting Company
MacKeigan and Habben join the following board members who continue their terms from last year:
- Dale Bottcher, Executive Vice President, AVI-SPL
- Brad Caron, President and Owner, SIGNET Electronic Systems
- Christina De Bono, President, ClearTech Media
“Mike is becoming NSCA’s president at a unique time in history, as we all face new challenges. The new NSCA board of directors represent the diversity of our membership,” says Chuck Wilson, NSCA executive director, “which means we’re well-positioned to give integrators whatever they need – no matter the trials they face.”
The NSCA Education Foundation will continue to be served by Laurie Englert of Legrand AV (president), Steve Emspak of Shen, Milsom & Wilke (vice president), Lauren Simmen of Ametek/SurgeX (secretary), and Jeff Kindig of Harman (treasurer). They are joined by the following board members, who will continue their terms:
- Ingolf de Jong, General Communications Inc.
- Gina Sansivero, AtlasIED
- Tobi Tungl, Conference Technologies Inc.
Steve Greenblatt of Control Concepts also joins the NSCA Education Foundation board of directors in 2020-2021.
For more information about NSCA, visit or call (800) 446-6722.