Audio pioneer Don Davis, founder of SynAudCon dies at 94.
Don and his wife Carolyn founded Synergetic Audio Concepts or Syn-Aud-Con, later referred to as SynAudCon, in 1973. For 23 years Don and Carolyn created the synergetic foundation that educated and trained more than 10,000 sound contractors, designers, and consultants from around the world. They literally changed lives. SynAudCon was acquired by Pat and Brenda Brown in 1995 and is still training contractors, designers, and consultants from around the world.
Don and Alexis Badmaieff authored How to Build Loudspeaker Enclosures. Don and Carolyn produced quarterly the 25+ page SynAudCon Newsletter and 4+ page Tech Topics and authored If Bad Sound Were Fatal, Audio Would Be the Leading Cause of Death. They authored the 1st and 2nd editions of Sound System Engineering and Don co-authored the 3rd and 4th editions with Dr. Eugene Patronis and Pat Brown. The first edition of Sound System Engineering was often referred to as the “audio bible” among his followers. He was a contributing author to all five editions of the Handbook for Sound Engineers. Don worked with Dr. Boner equalizing sound reinforcement systems and was instrumental in the design of the Altec Lansing Acoustavoice system and the design and use of real-time analyzers to equalize rooms.
Don and Carolyn were AES Fellows and received the Sagamore of the Wabash award and the Adele De Berri Pioneer Award. The love of Don’s life was Carolyn. Together they enjoyed SynAudCon, their many pets, traveling, fast cars, target shooting, and their Indiana farm. Don will be remembered as a learner, teacher, listener, trendsetter, audio sage, and a great storyteller. He was highly respected among his friends and colleagues. From Pat Brown, president of SynAudCon: “A highlight of my audio life was attending my first SynAudCon seminar at “the farm” in Southern Indiana. It was the late 1980’s and I was just getting started in audio. I followed the Davis’s through their Newsletters and Tech Topics for years until meeting them in person. The encounter changed my life in many ways. Don and Carolyn demonstrated the best in humanity through their lifestyle, example, and friendship. What a privilege it has been for Brenda and I to carry on their work.”