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A Proud Legacy for AV Industry as The Jeroen Pit House Opens

The Jeroen Pit House, a new Children’s transitional care unit in Amsterdam, is now completed and ready to welcome chronically ill children and their families when the facility officially opens on May 11. With kind support from the AV Community, the building boasts a sophisticated systems integration tailored to the unique needs of its users. At a celebratory event last week, Mike Blackman, Managing Director of Integrated Systems Events and Wendy Griffiths, VP Engagement and Global Development at CEDIA were in attendance to congratulate the project team on this incredible achievement.

The Jeroen Pit House has been championed by ISE, along with ISE’s co-owners CEDIA and AVIXA, since planning began more than three years ago. The build has been supported with generous contributions from the AV industry to complete the eight apartments, dedicated cinema and presentation room, the communal area and a state-of-the art entertainment space. The project is part of ISE’s legacy to Amsterdam, the city it called ‘home’ for 15 years, until the show moved to its new home at the Gran Vía, Fira de Barcelona last year.

Over 30 AV brands generously provided services and product for free. CEDIA award-winning residential integrator Woelf in Belgium, along with commercial integration expert AVEX in the Netherlands, worked together to design the complex integration. Contributors include ACT, Antratek, Apart, Arcam, Attero Tech, Audac, Audinate, Audipack, Barco, Belden, Biamp, Bose, Chief, Cisco, Crestron, GenericAV, Intronics, Kenwell, Kramer AV, Legrand, Logitech, Middle Atlantic, Monitor Audio, MVS, Nedis, Pakedge (SnapOne), Philips, Procab, Projecta, SCP, Sennheiser, Sony, StarTech, TU, tvONE and Vogels.

“The Jeroen Pit House is an inspiring facility that will provide essential support to many children, and their families, for years to come. We are honoured to have been a part of its realisation and we can’t thank the AV community enough for their unprecedented support over the last three years. It’s not been an easy time for business, but these AV companies committed their time, products and expertise, without faltering in their pledge. This is a project that ISE and the AV industry are incredibly proud of – our legacy to the wonderful city of Amsterdam.” Mike Blackman, Managing Director, ISE

“We’ve worked for years towards this moment, to achieve our goal of helping serious chronically ill children and their parents who, after a disruptive period, can learn how to care for their child in the warm, relaxed and supportive environment at The Jeroen Pit House. It’s heart-warming how so many contributors, such as ISE and its community, have embraced our project. Without this support we would not be where are now, and we are so thankful!” Nicole Deiters, Fundraising & Communication Manager, The Jeroen Pit House.

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Wendy Griffiths, VP Engagement and Global Development at CEDIA added: “To see this project come to life has been an honour and a privilege. Evolving from an idea on paper to physical a technology-filled facility, that feels like a home, supporting families to reconnect and prepare for the next phase of their lives has been a wonderful experience and one that everyone who has been involved of should be proud of. I would like to personally thank all of the CEDIA & AVIXA members who have supported us in providing this legacy in Amsterdam, a city that has supported ISE for so many years. Jan Martens from Woelf in Belguim and Ramon Voorn from AVEX have tirelessly given of their time to design and install the technology that has been provided by the sponsors. We look forward to hearing the stories of the families who have benefitted in the future.”

In tribute to their late father and namesake of the building, Jeroen Pit’s three children laid the final stone in place in December, completing the exterior. For the last few months, it’s been all hands-on-deck to complete the integration before the opening ceremony this month. From now until the official opening in May, the facility will be in constant use to train all the staff who will providing vital support for the children, and families, in their care.

The Jeroen Pit House, which is being built within the grounds of the Emma Children’s Hospital, will make the difficult transition from hospital to home easier, safer and steadier for chronically ill children and their families.

Follow the final stages of the journey with ISE at The Jeroen Pit House

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