Integrated Systems Europe 2023 is back in Barcelona, and AVNation is here to cover the latest news and information surrounding the AV industry. We join ADI’s Category Manager David Swindlehurst in their booth to discuss their global outreach.
ADI is a leading distributor of security solutions for the AV space. Although starting originally in the US market, they now have over 200 branches worldwide, offering products and services to clients in both residential and commercial spaces.
“What we’re really doing is following the model we know works for us. It’s worked in the US, it will work in the UK, and then it will work in the rest of Europe and the Middle East,” says Swindlehurst. ADI works with local vendors to ensure that the markets being established are beneficial for both sides.
More information about ADI Global Distribution can be found on their website. All of AVNation’s coverage of Integrated Systems Europe 2023 can be found right here.